Banana Pi Start Guide, Now What?

So a Banana Pi arrived, now what?

First, congratulations on your new computer. Before we dive deep into Linux command lines, let me introduce you the basics and the installation of Banana Pi.

Things You Need

  1. Banana Pi, of course
  2. and SD card (4GB minimun)
  3. USB power adapter and cord
  4. Ethernet cable
  5. A computer (or monitor with keyboard)


  1. Install Banaian on Banana Pi
  2. Remotely connect to Banana Pi command line


Boot SD

  1. Insert SD card into a computer
  2. Download a .img burner (here)
  3. Download a .img file that you will install
    1. Download Page
    2. Bananian image
  4. Format the SD card to FAT32
    1. If you have a Linux partition, use MiniTool to delete it and format the SD card.
  5. Open up disk imager and write image to your SD card
    1. In my case, the drive letter for my SD is 'G'
    2. Select the right img
  6. Wait for Disk Imager to finish 


  1. Insert the newly written SD card into the SD card slot
  2. Plug in a micro USB power cable
  3. Connect the Ethernet Cable
    1. If you want to boot to a monitor instead, you can follow the same instruction below
    2. Connect to your HDMI display and a keyboard
    3. If you are running a different img then connecting to a display is fail proof
  4. In a browser open up your browser's settings page
    1. usually it is ''
  5. Find the IP address of Banana Pi
    1. For me, my Banana Pi's local IP is ''
  6. Connect with Putty

    1. enter the Banana Pi's IP (see above)
    2. NOTE:Sometimes it does not always work, try rebooting your Pi and wait a minute before you connect again
    3. In case you are wondering, use SSH and port 22
  7. Connected!
  8. Time to Explorer

    Now you are connected to your Pi, it is time to start your next project!
    Maybe you will build your personal cloud server
    Explorer with other operating systems by writing it to your SD with Disk Imager

    More Projects Coming ! Email subscribe to get special Banana Pi deals!


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